Privacy Policy it

Privacy Policy it

Privacy Policy it


In accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) hereby informs you, as a data subject, in accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR, on the facts below.

The administrator of personal data is the company Repromeda Ltd., Identification Number: 255 57 246, with its registered office at Studentská 812/6, Bohunice, 625 00 Brno, kept by the Registration Court in Brno, file number C 33118, e-mail:, tel : +420 511 158 222 (the “Company”). A deputy administrator is not appointed. The Company has no obligation to appoint a Data Protection Officer. The Data Protection Officer has not been appointed.

When you visit the Company’s website, the Company processes personal information about you, such as your IT identifiers, your behavior on the web, and information about how you use the Company’s website. The Company collects this information through cookies (see below).

This personal data is processed on a legal basis, which is your consent to the processing of personal data and, in the case of cookies necessary for the operation of the website as specified below, the legitimate interest of the Company in order to properly use the website and personalize , providing the functionality of our website and social media and analyzing the traffic to this website.

The Company processes the provided personal data electronically in an automated manner.

Personal data shall not be transferred to a third country or to an international organization.

The Company will process the provided personal data for the necessary period of time, however no longer than 13 months, counted since the last use of cookies.

The Company hereby informs you that you have the following rights based on the processing of personal data:

  • the right to revoke consent to the processing of personal data at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on consent granted prior to its revocation, in cases where your legal basis is the processing of personal data,
  • the right to access personal data processed by the Company,
  • the right to rectify personal data,
  • the right to delete personal data,
  • the right to limit the processing of personal data,
  • the right to object to the processing of personal data,
  • the right to the portability of personal data.

You also have the right to file a complaint about the processing of personal data with the competent supervisory authority.

Fissate una consulenza non vincolante con noi

Durante tutta la tua cura sarai accompagnato a dalla nostra coordinatrice che parla italiano.

Brno, Studentská 812/6, CZ

Le vostre domande troveranno risposta dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 7.00 alle 18.00.

Emergenza +420 602 592 842
Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, CZ

Alle vostre domande rispondiamo dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 7.00 alle 15.00.

Emergenza +420 606 029 983
Brno, Studentská 812/6, CZ

Le vostre domande troveranno risposta dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 7.00 alle 18.00.

Emergenza +420 602 592 842

View on map

Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, CZ

Alle vostre domande rispondiamo dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 7.00 alle 15.00.

Emergenza +420 606 029 983

View on map

Splňte si sen o kompletní rodině

Chcete se objednat nebo na něco zeptat? Vyplňte následující formulář a my se vám co nejdříve ozveme.

[CZ] Obecný formulář (vyskakovací okno, str Kontakt)


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[IT] Obecný formulář (vyskakovací okno, str Kontakt)


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